Our Three Countries are
Stronger Together

Safeguard North American
Free Trade

The Coalition for North American Trade (CNAT) is an alliance of businesses, trade associations, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, scholars and other stakeholders committed to extending the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA).

We believe the USCMA should be further strengthened, not weakened. Our coalition will increase awareness of the Agreement’s values, amplify the voices of our member organizations and emphasize the USMCA’s ability to address challenges all three parties face.

  • “Our interests are aligned, and through CNAT, our efforts will be too.”

    Kevin Brady
    CNAT Co-Chair, United States

  • “Failure to fully renew USMCA at the first opportunity would bring the kind of disruption and uncertainty none of our industries or businesses can afford.”

    Steve Verheul
    CNAT Co-Chair | Canada

  • “USMCA stands as the most effective tool we have to fight unfair trade-distorting practices by other countries and ensure continued economic growth throughout North America.”

    Ken Smith Ramos
    CNAT Co-Chair | Mexico